Source code for mendeleev.vis.periodictable

from mendeleev.vis.bokeh import periodic_table_bokeh
from mendeleev.vis.plotly import periodic_table_plotly
from mendeleev.vis.utils import create_vis_dataframe

[docs] def periodic_table( attribute: str = "atomic_weight", height: int = 800, width: int = 1200, decimals: int = 3, colorby: str = "color", missing: str = "#ffffff", title: str = "Periodic Table", cmap: str = "RdBu_r", wide_layout: bool = False, include_f_block: bool = True, backend="plotly", ): """High level api for visualizing periodic tables. Currently supports plotting backends: - bokeh - plotly Args: attribute (str, optional): Name of the attribute to display. Defaults to "atomic_weight". height (int, optional): Height of the figure in pixels. Defaults to 800. width (int, optional): Width of the figure in pixels. Defaults to 1200. decimals (int, optional): Number of decimals to be displayed for `attribute`. Defaults to 3. colorby (str, optional): Name of the columns that contains color values. Defaults to "color". missing (str, optional): Hex code for the color to be used for missing values. Defaults to "#ffffff". title (str, optional): Title. Defaults to "Periodic Table". cmap (str, optional): Colormap name. Defaults to "RdBu_r". wide_layout (bool, optional): If `True` wide layout is used with *f* block between *s* and *d* blocks. Defaults to False. include_f_block (bool, optional): Flag indicating whether to include the _f_ block. Defaults to True. backend (str, optional): Plotting backennd. Defaults to "plotly". Raises: ValueError: upon specifying unsupported ploting backend. Returns: fig: figure instance, either `plotly.Figure` or `bokeh.plotting.figure` """ elements = create_vis_dataframe( include_f_block=include_f_block, wide_layout=wide_layout ) backends = { "plotly": periodic_table_plotly, "bokeh": periodic_table_bokeh, } if backend not in backends: raise ValueError(f"unsupported plotting backend: {backend}") plotter = backends[backend] return plotter( elements, attribute=attribute, height=height, width=width, decimals=decimals, colorby=colorby, missing=missing, title=title, cmap=cmap, wide_layout=wide_layout, )