Source code for mendeleev.vis.plotly

import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.graph_objs.layout import Shape, Annotation
from pandas.api.types import is_float_dtype

from .utils import colormap_column

[docs] def create_tile( element: pd.Series, color: str, x_offset: float = 0.45, y_offset: float = 0.45 ) -> Shape: """ Create tile shape """ return Shape( type="rect", x0=element["x"] - x_offset, y0=element["y"] - y_offset, x1=element["x"] + x_offset, y1=element["y"] + y_offset, line=dict(color=element[color]), fillcolor=element[color], opacity=0.8, )
[docs] def create_annotation( row: pd.Series, attr: str, size: int = 10, x_offset: float = 0.0, y_offset: float = 0.0, ) -> Annotation: """ Create an annotation from pandas series """ return Annotation( x=row["x"] + x_offset, y=row["y"] + y_offset, xref="x", yref="y", text=row[attr], showarrow=False, font=dict(family="Roboto", size=size, color="#333333"), align="center", opacity=0.9, )
[docs] def periodic_table_plotly( elements: pd.DataFrame, attribute: str = "atomic_weight", cmap: str = "RdBu_r", colorby: str = "color", decimals: int = 3, height: int = 800, missing: str = "#ffffff", title: str = "Periodic Table", wide_layout: bool = False, width: int = 1200, ) -> go.Figure: """ Create a periodic table visualization with plotly.Figure Args: elements : Pandas DataFrame with the elements data. Needs to have `x` and `y` columns with coordianates for each tile. attribute : Name of the attribute to be displayed cmap : Colormap to use, see matplotlib colormaps colorby : Name of the column containig the colors decimals : Number of decimals to be displayed in the bottom row of each cell height : Height of the figure in pixels missing : Hex code of the color to be used for the missing values title : Title to appear above the periodic table wide_layout: wide layout variant of the periodic table width : Width of the figure in pixels """ if any(col not in elements.columns for col in ["x", "y"]): raise ValueError( "Coordinate columns named 'x' and 'y' are required " "in 'elements' DataFrame. Consider using " "'mendeleev.vis.utils.create_vis_dataframe' and try again." ) fig = go.Figure() if colorby == "attribute": colored = colormap_column(elements, attribute, cmap=cmap, missing=missing) elements.loc[:, "attribute_color"] = colored colorby = "attribute_color" # tiles tiles = [create_tile(row, color=colorby) for _, row in elements.iterrows()] fig.layout["shapes"] += tuple(tiles) # symbols fig.layout["annotations"] += tuple( elements.apply(create_annotation, axis=1, raw=False, args=("symbol",), size=16) ) # atomic_number fig.layout["annotations"] += tuple( elements.apply( create_annotation, axis=1, raw=False, args=("atomic_number",), y_offset=-0.3 ) ) # name fig.layout["annotations"] += tuple( elements.apply( create_annotation, axis=1, raw=False, args=("name",), y_offset=0.2, size=7 ) ) ac = "display_attribute" if is_float_dtype(elements[attribute]): elements[ac] = elements[attribute].round(decimals=decimals) else: elements[ac] = elements[attribute] # attribute fig.layout["annotations"] += tuple( elements.apply( create_annotation, axis=1, raw=False, args=(ac,), y_offset=0.35, size=7, ) ) if wide_layout: tickvals = None xrange = [0.5, 32.5] yrange = [7.5, 0.5] else: tickvals = tuple(range(1, 19)) xrange = [0.5, 18.5] yrange = [10.0, 0.5] fig.update_layout( template="plotly_white", height=height, width=width, title=title, xaxis={ "range": xrange, "showgrid": False, "fixedrange": True, "side": "top", "tickvals": tickvals, }, yaxis={ "range": yrange, "showgrid": False, "fixedrange": True, "tickvals": tuple(range(1, 8)), "title": "Period", }, ) return fig