Source code for mendeleev.vis.utils

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import as cmx

from mendeleev.fetch import fetch_table

[docs] def add_tile_coordinates( df: pd.DataFrame, x_coord: str = "group_id", y_coord: str = "period", include_f_block: bool = True, wide_layout: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculate coordinates for the tile centers Args: df: dataframe x_coord: attribute to use as x coordinate y_coord: attribute to use as y coordinate wide_layout : Show the long version of the periodic table with the f block between the s and d blocks include_f_block : Show the elements from the f block """ elements = df.copy().sort_values("atomic_number") # calculate x and y coordinates of the main group/row elements elements.loc[elements[x_coord].notnull(), "x"] = elements.loc[ elements[x_coord].notnull(), x_coord ].astype(int) elements.loc[elements[y_coord].notnull(), "y"] = elements.loc[ elements[y_coord].notnull(), y_coord ].astype(int) if include_f_block: f_mask = elements["block"] == "f" elements.loc[f_mask, "x"] = ( elements[f_mask] .groupby("period") .apply(lambda x: x["atomic_number"] - x["atomic_number"].min()) .to_numpy() + 3 ) if wide_layout: mask = ( (elements["x"] > 2) & (elements["block"] != "f") & (~elements["symbol"].isin(["La", "Ac"])) ) elements.loc[f_mask, "x"] += 1 elements.loc[mask, "x"] = elements.loc[mask, "x"] + 14 elements.loc[f_mask, "y"] = elements.loc[f_mask, "period"] else: elements.loc[f_mask, "y"] = elements.loc[f_mask, "period"] + 2.5 return elements
[docs] def create_vis_dataframe( x_coord: str = "group_id", y_coord: str = "period", include_f_block: bool = True, wide_layout: bool = False, ): """ Base DataFrame for visualizations Args: x_coord: attribute to use as x coordinate y_coord: attribute to use as y coordinate include_f_block : show the elements from the f block wide_layout : show the long version of the periodic table with the f block between the s and d blocks """ elements = fetch_table("elements") series = fetch_table("series") df = pd.merge( elements, series, left_on="series_id", right_on="id", suffixes=("", "_series"), ).sort_values(by="atomic_number") return add_tile_coordinates( df, x_coord=x_coord, y_coord=y_coord, include_f_block=include_f_block, wide_layout=wide_layout, )
[docs] def colormap_column( elements: pd.DataFrame, column: str, cmap: str = "RdBu_r", missing: str = "#ffffff" ): """ Return a new DataFrame with the same size (and index) as `elements` with a column `cmap` containing HEX color mapping from `cmap` colormap. Args: elements : DataFrame with the data column : Name of the column to be color mapped cmap : Name of the colormap, see missing : HEX color for the missing values (NaN or None) """ colormap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) cnorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=elements[column].min(), vmax=elements[column].max()) scalarmap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cnorm, cmap=colormap) rgba = scalarmap.to_rgba(elements[column]) colored = pd.Series( index=elements.index, data=[colors.rgb2hex(row) for row in rgba] ) mask = elements[column].isnull() colored.loc[mask] = missing return colored