.. **Sanderson electronegativity** .. The values of Sanderson's electronegativity are taken from from as *revised values* from Table 3.1 in ref. :cite:`Sanderson1976`. The electronegativities for noble gases are taken from :cite:`Allen1980`. ******************* Electronegativities ******************* Since electronegativity is useful concept rather than a physical observable, several scales of electronegativity exist and some of them are available in :ref:`mendeleev `. Depending on the definition of a particular scale the values are either stored directly or recomputed on demand with appropriate formulas. The following scales are stored: - :ref:`Allen ` - :ref:`Ghosh ` - :ref:`Pauling ` Moreover there are electronegativity scales that can be computed from their respective definition and the atomic properties available in :ref:`mendeleev `: - :ref:`Allred-Rochow ` - :ref:`Cottrell-Sutton ` - :ref:`Gordy ` - :ref:`Li and Xue ` - :ref:`Martynov and Batsanov ` - :ref:`Mulliken ` - :ref:`Nagle ` - :ref:`Sanderson ` For a short overview on electronegativity see this `presentation `_. All the examples shown below are for Silicon:: >>> from mendeleev import element >>> Si = element('Si') .. _allen_en: Allen ===== The electronegativity scale proposed by Allen in ref :cite:`Allen1989` is defined as: .. math:: \chi_{A} = \frac{\sum_{x} n_{x}\varepsilon_{x}}{\sum_{x}n_{x}} where: :math:`\varepsilon_{x}` is the multiplet-averaged one-electron energy of the subshell :math:`x` and :math:`n_{x}` is the number of electrons in subshell :math:`x` and the summation runs over the valence shell. The values that are tabulated were obtained from refs. :cite:`Mann2000a` and :cite:`Mann2000`. Example:: >>> Si.en_allen 11.33 >>> Si.electronegativity('allen') 11.33 .. _allred-rochow_en: Allred and Rochow ================= The scale of Allred and Rochow :cite:`Allred1958` introduces the electronegativity as the electrostatic force exerted on the electron by the nuclear charge: .. math:: \chi_{AR} = \frac{e^{2}Z_{\text{eff}}}{r^{2}} \notag where: :math:`Z_{\text{eff}}` is the effective nuclear charge and :math:`r` is the covalent radius. Example:: >>> Si.electronegativity('allred-rochow') 0.00028240190249702736 .. _cottrell-sutton_en: Cottrell and Sutton =================== The scale proposed by Cottrell and Sutton :cite:`Cottrell1951` is derived from the equation: .. math:: \chi_{CS} = \sqrt{\frac{Z_{\text{eff}}}{r}} where: :math:`Z_{\text{eff}}` is the effective nuclear charge and :math:`r` is the covalent radius. Example:: >>> Si.electronegativity('cottrell-sutton') 0.18099342720014772 .. _ghosh_en: Ghosh ===== Ghosh :cite:`Ghosh2005` presented a scale of electronegativity based on the absolute radii of atoms computed as .. math:: \chi_{GH} = a \cdot (1/R) + b where: :math:`R` is the absolute atomic radius and :math:`a` and :math:`b` are empirical parameters. Example:: >>> Si.en_ghosh 0.178503 .. _gordy_en: Gordy ===== Gordy's scale :cite:`Gordy1946` is based on the potential that measures the work necessary to achieve the charge separation, according to: .. math:: \chi_{G} = \frac{eZ_{\text{eff}}}{r} where: :math:`Z_{\text{eff}}` is the effective nuclear charge and :math:`r` is the covalent radius. Example:: >>> Si.electronegativity('gordy') 0.03275862068965517 .. _li_xue_en: Li and Xue ========== Li and Xue :cite:`Li2006,Li2009` proposed a scale that takes into account different valence states and coordination environment of atoms and is calculated according to the following formula: .. math:: \chi_{LX} = \frac{n^{*}\sqrt{I_{j}/Ry}}{r} where: :math:`n^{*}` is the effective principal quantum number, :math:`I_{j}` is the `j`'th ionization energy in `eV`, :math:`Ry` is the Rydberg constant in `eV` and :math:`r` is either the crystal radius or ionic radius. Example:: >>> Si.en_li_xue(charge=4) {u'IV': 13.16033405547733, u'VI': 9.748395596649873} >>> Si.electronegativity('li-xue', charge=4) {u'IV': 13.16033405547733, u'VI': 9.748395596649873} .. _martynov_batsanov_en: Martynov and Batsanov ===================== Martynov and Batsanov :cite:`Batsanov1982` used the square root of the averaged valence ionization energy as a measure of electronegativity: .. math:: \chi_{MB} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n_{v}}\sum^{n_{v}}_{k=1} I_{k}} where: :math:`n_{v}` is the number of valence electrons and :math:`I_{k}` is the :math:`k` th ionization potential. Example:: >>> Si.en_martynov_batsanov() 5.0777041564076963 >>> Si.electronegativity(scale='martynov-batsanov') 5.0777041564076963 .. _mulliken_en: Mulliken ======== Mulliken scale :cite:`Mulliken1934` is defined as the arithmetic average of the ionization potential (:math:`IP`) and the electron affinity (:math:`EA`): .. math:: \chi_{M} = \frac{IP + EA}{2} Example:: >>> Si.en_mulliken() 4.0758415 >>> Si.electronegativity('mulliken') 4.0758415 .. _nagle_en: Nagle ===== Nagle :cite:`Nagle1990` derived his scale from the atomic dipole polarizability: .. math:: \chi_{N} = \sqrt[3]{\frac{n}{\alpha}} \notag Example:: >>> Si.electronegativity('nagle') 0.47505611644667534 .. _pauling_en: Pauling ======= Pauling's thermochemical scale was introduced in :cite:`Pauling1932` as a relative scale based on electronegativity differences: .. math:: \chi_{A} - \chi_{B} = \sqrt{E_{d}(AB) - \frac{1}{2}\left[E_{d}(AA) + E_{d}(BB)\right] } where: :math:`E_{d}(XY)` is the bond dissociation energy of a diatomic :math:`XY`. The values available in :ref:`mendeleev ` are taken from ref. :cite:`haynes2014crc`. Example:: >>> Si.en_pauling 1.9 >>> Si.electronegativity('pauling') 1.9 .. _sanderson_en: Sanderson ========= Sanderson :cite:`Sanderson1951,Sanderson1952` established his scale of electronegativity based on the stability ratio: .. math:: \chi_{S} = \frac{\rho}{\rho_{\text{ng}}} where: :math:`\rho` is the average electron density :math:`\rho=\frac{Z}{4\pi r^{3}/3}`, and :math:`\rho_{\text{ng}}` is the average electron density of a hypothetical noble gas atom with charge :math:`Z`. Example:: >>> Si.en_sanderson() 0.3468157872145231 >>> Si.electronegativity() 0.3468157872145231 Fetching all electronegativities ================================ If you want to fetch all the available scales for all elements you can use the :py:func:`fetch_electronegativities ` function, that collect all the values into a ``DataFrame``. .. Hinze and Jaffe =============== .. Politzer .. ======== .. .. math:: .. I(\boldsymbol{r}) = \frac{\sum_{i}\rho_{i}(\boldsymbol{r})\left|\varepsilon_{i}\right|}{\rho(\boldsymbol{r})} .. [] Leach, M. R. (2013). Concerning electronegativity as a basic elemental property and why the periodic table is usually represented in its medium form. Foundations of Chemistry, 15(1), 13–29. `doi:10.1007/s10698-012-9151-3 `_ .. [] Smith, D. W. (1990). Electronegativity in two dimensions: Reassessment and resolution of the Pearson-Pauling paradox. Journal of Chemical Education, 67(11), 911. doi:10.1021/ed067p911